- 3.6
- Avg Critics Rating : 3.55 / 5 ( From 8 Critics )
- Avg Fans Rating : 4.1 / 5
‘Doctor Strange’ elevates yet another relatively unknown Marvel character to top tier status, making it well worth a dizzying watch in 3D.
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Doctor Strange is a fun and trippy excursion to a place where Marvel rarely seems to go: that is, to the retinal roots of the comics.
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Dear Marvel, what kind of sorcery is this?
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With a new superhero, Marvel conjures magic. Benedict Cumberbatch's Doctor Strange raises the bar on what is possible in Marvel's comic book universe. And then there are the special effects which aim to out-Inception Inception.
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Not strange enough. Just elementary, dear MCU fan
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This film may not have the playfulness of a 'Guardians of the Galaxy', but it certainly makes for an adequate fire-starter of sorts.
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Benedict Cumberbatch's trippy, witty Doctor Strange will turn your world upside down
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It’s a tremendously engaging and likable superhero ride, in which the classiest of casts show they know exactly where to take it seriously – and where to inject the fun.
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