Tere Bin Laden dead or alive - Critic Reviews + Ratings
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- 2.1
- Avg Critics Rating : 2.14 / 5 ( From 7 Critics )
- Avg Fans Rating : 2.7 / 5
Tere Bin Laden : Dead or Alive, misses the spunk of its prequel.
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If you don't have anything else to do, you can check it out else wait for the satellite premiere.
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This is a complete no-brainer and meant for those who enjoy any kind of comedy.
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Tere Bin Laden: Dead or Alive is best avoided unless a bunch of characters running around in circles is one's idea of entertainment.
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You can still watch Tere Bin Laden: Dead or alive, but it won’t give you the same punch as the original. Keep your expectations low and you may come out of the hall laughing.
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‘Tere Bin Laden’, Part 2, generates start-up potential, some smiles, some laugh-out-loud lines, but it keeps petering out. - See more at: http://indianexpress.com/article/entertainment/movie-review/tere-bin-laden-dead-or-alive-review-mainsh-paul-pradhuman-singh-two-stars/#sthash.G9U9Qouw.dpuf
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The film within a film format doesn't pay humorous dividends. A few bright ideas such as terrorists playing landmine jump, bomb relay and enjoying a retrospective of Osama films draw a chuckle. But that's as close to a laugh you will get in this comedy.
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